Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The "Bang" Courage, Confident, Dare To Fail (Maybe)

Today received an email from L2 Manager there was an opening for L2 position, my first though was, "mmm...interesting, should apply or not apply" both though keep running in my mine, fighting each other, but the "Don't Apply" is winning the game at this moment. So just left it in my mailbox while try to search for opinion, I got many that ask me to go ahead.

Well then I was at a friend house and coincidentally he played a short clip where William Hung first participate in America IDOL, Gosh...he really not doing well,anyone will want to kick him out of the competition. (I believe many seen his clip before right?), the judge ask him, (in a very dismal expression) "you can't sing, you can't dance, why are you here ? William look stunt and dissappointed, he then say "I've done my best, I've no regret", I think that's a very good courage in his. (Nevertheless, he manage to "she bang" himself, and for sure he was an idol)

Well, courage and confident, dare to fail. "Apply" though has win over "Don't Apply" (totally eliminated it), I applied. :)

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