Friday, December 24, 2004

Guvf jbeq vf rapelcgrq

Guvax bs trggvat gb rkcyber gur inevrgl bs VG, gur ornhgl naq gur zvenpyr bs VG, jryy va grez bs uneqjner abe fbsgjner, gurl qrsvavgryl oevat hf znal guvat gb yrnea, gbhgrq "Sberire Yrneavat". Gur jbeqvat nccrne urer whfg yvxr fbzr rapelcgrq pbqr, fbzr sbez sebz CTC pbqr, n fbsgjner qrfvtarq onfrq ba gur choyvp/pyvrag xrl. Jryy rira abg n arj guvat, ohg jura lbh ernyyl jbex jvgu vg, qrsvavgryl fbzrguvat jbegu n FZVYR :)

** Nope, your computer have no problem, don't tune any of the language setting. **
What am I writting, garbage word ? French ? German ? Spanish? Not quite actually.
The above text is kind of encryption code that I've learn from my "keat leg" > Jase

An encypted word, which you can decode it in ROT13

* Just need to copy and paste the word into ROT13 page to see what I written *

What it does is that it will take each of one character and replace them with 13 letters away, Cheers !!

1 comment:

Jaselee said...

Yes, you're definately in a good leg to become an apprentice...