Monday, June 05, 2006

What Your "Great" name ?

Need to process an account matter, went to a prominent local bank, met my cousin, how nice...normal procedure, click the number button and wait for your turn, our turn came, proceed to counter and process our stuff, just few second after reaching the officer shouted "fuck you" ar "fuck you"... :-O

My eyes naturally peek into the office to "ke po" abit, then another officer shouted to another officer "fuck you ar, the signature is invalid, why always like that eh" :-O

Wah, what on earth happen in this bank ??!! fighting ? Beh Siok ?

That officer don't seems to angry or upset by what his colleague call him, instead he put up a smile and replied : "well, some people try to look smart by changing signature too often" X-O (I'm confuse)

A peek on that officer name tag...Surprise !!, his name is really "Fuck You" (exact spelling), I just pause...pause, pause. After that just can't stop thinking and laughing, just cannot control.

He he oh don't get me wrong, Please please I'm not insulting that officer, but is really funny, why his colleague not even bother to call him by surname or his christian name ? (if he has one).

Well, this scenario remind me of something, which we have learned proud/satisfied of what you has being enrich to or own, be it name or what you are today, life is not miserable even bearing that kind of name, don't let people take advantage on you. Instead I can see that officer is enjoying to own this name. I must admit, I salute him. ;-)

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今天特地拿假的见宝贝最后一天,吃Astaka 听了很多”笑话” ,回到家里massage了,心情steam 了, 忍不住了, 这种情况下如何忍,不知不觉, 我们又做了,心情还是很紧张,很敏感,大概一分钟就完了 😓 无论如何,跟宝贝做我一直都是很享受的。