Thursday, December 23, 2004

Blog Improvement & Decoration

Was thinking a way to make my blog look nicer, prettier, at the same time familiar myself on some HTML code, (I know this is old stuff, but I never really learn that, OK).

Got some hint to put some "Side Quest" and "Counter" for it.

Eventhough not much chages but I feel.........Not bad, Not bad Quite Nice, :)


今天特地拿假的见宝贝最后一天,吃Astaka 听了很多”笑话” ,回到家里massage了,心情steam 了, 忍不住了, 这种情况下如何忍,不知不觉, 我们又做了,心情还是很紧张,很敏感,大概一分钟就完了 😓 无论如何,跟宝贝做我一直都是很享受的。